Modern Teaching and Learning Spaces
Melton Specialist School has a variety of indoor and outdoor learning facilities. From newly built classrooms to generous and spacious outdoor areas – there are many purposeful spaces for students to learn and grow. While facilities are well maintained and attractive, the school continues to seek improvements that will further enhance learning opportunities for students.
Our modern teaching and learning spaces encourage collaboration and are conducive to quality learning outcomes. These versatile spaces and all our classrooms are equipped with digital learning resources and wireless connectivity to support the changing landscape of teaching and learning in the 21st century.
All of our classrooms have mobility inclusive access and are air conditioned and heated to ensure optimum student comfort during warm or cool days. All of our classrooms are equipped with resources to support our various educational and life skills programs.

ICT Facilities and Equipment
Melton Specialist School has a robust and scalable wireless network that is used by staff and students to connect multiple mobile devices that best suit their learning requirements.
Desktop, netbooks, tablets, iPads and a variety of media devices including cameras, scanners, digital 3D printers, Augmented Communication Devices, etc. are utilised by the students to support their Individual Learning Plan goals at Melton Specialist School. In addition to the mobile devices we also have a well-resourced ICT lab which allows our students to utilise specialised literacy and numeracy software.
Our classrooms all have Interactive Whiteboards which add another dimension to student learning experiences and some classrooms have devices such as Xbox 360 Kinect and Wii Consoles to help support Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy movement goals. iPad and Laptop class sets float between the classrooms to enable media-rich learning experiences.

Multi-Sensory Environments
Accessible and inclusive therapeutic environments are scattered throughout our school grounds. There are indoor and outdoor spaces that engage children with a range of physical and intellectual abilities, individual special needs, varying social skills and a variety of sensory integration preferences. These unique and purposeful settings have multiple goals and are designed to heighten the sensory experiences of our students. We work with our therapists and staff to utilise these artistic and beautiful spaces to explore textures, colours, scents and sounds; as well as spatial variety and body movement. These areas aim to encourage children, with the support of staff, to build on their strengths in a setting that aids communication, learning and the development of social skills.
Our school’s sensory environments encompass play areas, sensory gardens, indoor therapeutic spaces, artistic murals, relaxation and movement areas.

Our school environment is comprised of traditional and open plan classroom spaces, specialist and vocational training classrooms, therapy spaces, indoor sensory areas, toileting facilities and meeting areas.
Our grounds feature well maintained and attractive natural gardens, purpose built outdoor sensory areas, adventure and play equipment, multipurpose sports facilities, covered walkways, ramps and railings, large sandpit, shade covered recreation spaces and a Liberty swing.