Thank you for your interest in Melton Specialist School. Enrolments for next year are now being taken. Please contact the School Office for an information pack or to arrange an appointment.
School Tours
Click here to fill out a Pre-Enrolment form and school tour.
Prospective families are welcome to visit the school for a tour of our facilities with a member of our Leadership Team. Tours are conducted at the advertised times and include the opportunity to see the school in operation. Please contact the school on (03) 9743 4966 to make an appointment for a tour.
Prep enrolment commences in the year prior to children starting school. Children enrolling in Victorian schools must turn 5 years old by 30th April in the year of entry and are usually enrolled in the year prior to their commencement (the pre-school/kinder year).
Melton Specialist School provides the opportunity for pre-schoolers to participate in our Prep Transition Sessions. Transition Sessions for Preps usually begin in late Term 3. An Information session for parents of prep children will be held in Term 4 prior to your child commencing school. This will be an opportunity for parents to meet the class teachers, representatives from the Parents Club and other prep parents. Whilst enrolment for prep can be undertaken at any time we encourage families to enrol as soon as possible to assist the school in forward planning.
Enrolling at Other Levels
Enrolments are taken throughout the year for all year levels (subject to availability). Please contact the school office for further information.
How to enrol your child
When enrolling your child, please supply the following documents:
- Completed School Enrolment Form (available from the School Office)
- Copy of the Birth Certificate or Passport
- Copy of the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register or School Age Entry Immunisation Certificate
- Transfer Certificate (if transferring from another school)
- Copy of Cognitive Assessment dated within the previous two years
- Copies of all other relevant Allied Health Assessments
- Copy of Passport with the Visa Entry details or evidence of Naturalisation or Citizenship if the child was born overseas
- Enrolling International Students For information on International Students, please see the Victorian Government website at https://www.study.vic.gov.au/
Pre Enrolment Enquiry
To qualify for Melton Specialist School your child must have an Intellectual Disability.
Prep Transition
The Pre-school Transition Sessions help prepare children for the move from pre-school to school. The program assists them in becoming familiar with the school environment and in developing a closer relationship with peers and the Prep teachers.
Our school offers transition sessions for prospective pre-schoolers and a range of parent information sessions where staff and school support agencies present relevant material to support parents in preparing their children for school. It is also an opportunity to meet other new families joining our school.
Outline of Prep Transition dates for 2021 Preps will be announced in late Term 3.
Year 7 Transition
As part of the transition from Year 6 to Year 7, students in government secondary schools participate in an orientation day. All government schools hold this orientation day on the same day.
At the orientation day, your child may:
- tour the school
- meet teachers and ask questions
- find out about the dress code
- learn what they will be doing in the Secondary Section
- meet other students.
For more information about Year 7 transition days, contact us on the number below.
During Year 6, your child’s school and our school may have increasing contact − sharing information and the Transition Statement prepared by the primary school, student and their family − and the Student Support Groups including representation from both schools may meet.
We will require information release forms to be signed and will need copies of any relevant reports to enable funding applications to be successfully completed.
Interschool Transition
Parents/guardians will be informed of their child’s new teacher close to the end of the school year.

The students with Disabilities Transport Program (SDTP) provide transport assistance for eligible students attending our school. The program aims to assist families in transporting their student to school and is a contribution towards the additional cost’s families may incur. However, attendance at a specialist school does not automatically entitle a student to assistance or exclude parents/guardians from being primarily responsible for their child’s transport arrangements.
To be eligible for transport assistance under the SDTP a student must be eligible for the Program for students with a Disability (PSD) & reside in the Designated Transport Area (DTA) of our school.
There are different types of travel assistance available to parents/guardians of students attending our school. These may include a conveyance allowance; access to the travel education program; access to a mainstream school bus; access to a specialist school transport service or an alternative Department arranged transport solution.
If your child accesses the SDTP further discussions may be necessary in regards to availability, covering pick up and drop of points and times, and any behavioural or medical needs of the student while on the bus service.